Jupiter-Pre has many pre-functions for finite element method (FEM) analysis, which are characterized by large-scale support, high customizability, and high-speed automatic meshing, which are strong against large-scale models with more than 100 million nodes and large man-hour reduction by automation. It is a general-purpose CAE software equipped.
One software on Windows platform enables all CAE preprocessing, from CAD import to solver input file and export the results. It supports almost all kind of CAE models for simple shape linear analysis, nonlinear large-scale analysis, and multiphysics analysis.
You can also utilize "unlimited" Undo/Redo operations. In addition, the model tree works with CAD and FEM, allowing you to move CAD shapes and FEM meshes in both directions. Therefore, you can operate with a flexible flow instead of one-way traffic.
Jupier-Pre has been developed since 2002. We will provide thorough supports and unique customization to the developer.